Fwd: polozka v kontextovom menu

From: Mathio (konferencia_matol@zmail.sk)
Date: 02. 10. 2003, 13:36 CEST

Mam jeden problem, pouzivam Win98 a v kontextovom menu (prave tlacitko 
mysi) sa mi zobrazuje polozka 
javascript:{document.location=´http://www.fileshack.com´;} a po kliknuti na 
nu sa mi vypise hlasenie "This file does not have a program associated with 
it for performinf this action. Create an association in My Computer by 
Clicking View and than clicking Folder options. [OK]". V My Computer->View- 
> Folder options som nic take nenasiel. Pomoze mi niekto ako dostat tuto 
polozku prec?


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