RE: PHP & Personal Web Server

From: Martin Bohuslav (
Date: 09. 04. 2001, 08:27 CEST

Nevim jaky php sis stahnul, ale jestli mas php4 instaler, tak v README.txt
You have downloaded the Windows installer distribution of PHP, so it should
have already installed php for you. Please refer to the Install.txt file
for any futher instructions, and for instructions for web servers not
supported by the Installer.

to znamena, ze se ti to nainstaluje samo a kdyby ne mas kouknout do

PWS 4.0+ (isapi):
1. Copy the php.ini-dist to your systemroot (the directory where you
installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
edit it to fit your needs
2. Edit the enclosed PWS-php4isapi.reg (ISAPI interface) or PWS-php4cgi.reg
(CGI interface) file to reflect the location of
your php4isapi.dll / php.exe. Forward slashes should be escaped, for
t Map] ".php"="C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\php4isapi.dll"
3. In the PWS Manager, right click on a given directory you want to add PHP
support to, and select Properties. Check the 'Execute' checkbox, and

PWS 4.0+ (CGI):
1. Copy the php.ini-dist to your systemroot (the directory where you
installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
edit it to fit your needs
2. Edit the enclosed PWS-php4.reg file to reflect the location of your
php.exe. Forward slashes should be escaped,
for example:
t Map] ".php"="C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\php.exe"
3. In the PWS Manager, right click on a given directory you want to add PHP
support to, and select Properties. Check the 'Execute' checkbox, and
4. At this point, PWS should have built-in PHP support.

mno a pokud bys tomuhle nerozumnel, napis jestli pouzivas isapi nebo cgi...
Ale ja bych rek, ze u tebe je to ten druhej pripad, takze
1)prekopiruj php.ini-dist do adresare windowsu (nejcasteji C:\windows) a
prejmenuj ho na php.ini

2)edituj PWS-php4.reg ktery je tam, kde mas php.exe a napis tam
t Map] ".php"="C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\php.exe"
teda tohle je priklad... musis zadat cestu kde to php.exe mas, v tomto
prikladu je v C:\Program Files\php\

a nezapomen ze tenhle znak "\" musi bejt zdvojenej

3) mno a ted si otevri "Spravce osobniho serveru www"
(Programy->prislusenstvi->nastroje internetu->personal web server->)
tam klikni po levy strane na upresnit a vyber si adresar (nejlepsi je si
udelat novej) kde chces mit podporu php. Mno a ve vlastnostech toho adresare
zaskrtni volbu spousteni

4. a ted by to melo slapat...
bye Kenny

> muze mi prosim nekdo poradit jak rozchodit PHP pod Microsoft Personal Web
> Server.

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