Re: Odeslani souboru na G-mail

From: Thirsty <milos.balcar (zavinac)>
Date: 19. 12. 2004, 00:52 CET
> Zdravim. Neprisel jsem na zpusob, jak odeslat soubor z meho uctu na Seznamu
> do e-mailu na G-mailu. Pokousim se odeslat *.exe soubor (a to i komprimovany
> *.zip nebo *.rar) a stale se mi to vraci. Nevite jak prekonat tuto ochranu.
Ani to nejde, viz:
kde se píše:
As a security measure to prevent potential viruses, Gmail does not
allow you to receive executable files (such as files ending in .exe)
that could contain damaging executable code.
Gmail does not accept these types of files, even if they are sent in a
zipped (.zip, .tar, .tgz, .taz, .z, .gz) format. If someone tries to
send this type of message to your Gmail account, the message will be
bounced back to the sender.

Přejmenování jsi zkoušel?

Received on Sun, 19 Dec 2004 00:52:48 +0100

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