Re: otvorenie VZDY do noveho okna

From: <mail (zavinac)>
Date: 24. 06. 2004, 09:39 CEST
MilanK wrote:
>>>Proste nejaky "centralny" zapis...
>><base target="_blank">
sice to funguje, ale:

<!ELEMENT BASE - O EMPTY               -- document base URI -->
   href        %URI;          #REQUIRED -- URI that acts as base URI --

> Mal som asi napisat:
> Je to proti nejakej specifikacii ak by odkaz namiesto spravneho:
>     <a href="" target="link">
> vyzeral takto?
>     <a target="link" href="">

mam pocit, ze nikde neni receno, jak presne ma vypadat zapis, jestli



   <a id="..." target="..." href="..." class="...">...</a>


   <a target="..." id="..." class="..." href="...">...</a>

imho je to uplne jedno.


ICQ: 289612872
Received on Thu, 24 Jun 2004 09:39:13 +0200

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