Re: windows 3,01

From: <pavel (zavinac)>
Date: 26. 04. 2004, 10:07 CEST wrote:
> muzemi nekdo rychle odpovedet kde se da stahnout windows 3,01
> predem dekuji

zasadni otazka na zacatek: nehledas nahodou windows 3.1 nebo
3.11? ja 3.01 nikdy nevidel...

googloval jsi?

kdyby byla tvoje odpoved kladna, pak bys pravdepodobne narazil
na neco takovyho:

1.1. Where can I get Windows 3.1 installation disks?

Windows 3.1 is still copyrighted by Microsoft. Some people
believe that it might be freely available since it is so old.
This is not true. It may be possible to find a copy that can be
downloaded for free, but this is illegal software piracy.

If you need a set of installation disks, we recommend purchasing
a used copy from a legitimate source. Windows 3.1 disks are
generally available on in the $10 to $20 range.
Windows 3.1 can also be purchased from

na jsem je nenasel.
takze doporucuju snad jen nakyho sberatele vykopavek nebo p2p
site typu dc++ apod.

btw vzdycky kdyz vidim dotaz podobnyho typu, mam 100 chuti
napsat, ze hned se ani pejsek nevykaka. cim to asi bude?:)

jo kdybys napsal 'nikde to nemuzu najit, nedokazali byste mi
nekdo pomoct?', to by byla jina!

pavel >< 
Received on Mon, 26 Apr 2004 10:07:23 +0200

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