Re: K9 - par dotazu

From: Petr Pokorny <mail (zavinac)>
Date: 09. 03. 2004, 09:25 CET <>:

> No, dam zalozku Server Check a stisknu check. Podle rychlosti to jsou
> jen hlavicky. Teoreticky to muze pouzivat pritom BlackList filtr.

Ano, muze to pouzit blacklist, whitelist a "DNS black hole list". Taky to muze analyzovat predmet
zpravy. To ale ke spolehlivemu oznaceni zpravy za spatnou/dobrou IMHO nestaci.

Click the Check button to connect to your POP3 server and view the headers...
Click the Get button to download all of the emails...
Highlight an email and click Read to read its contents. If the email currently only resides on the
server it will first be downloaded before it is displayed.
Click Score to see how K9 has scored each email.
If the email only resides on the server i.e. if you haven't yet clicked Get or Read for an email the
score will be that of the header portion alone and so should not be considered a definitive score.

Zkratka a jednoduse pouze podle hlavicky to neni spolehlive!

Received on Tue, 9 Mar 2004 09:25:55 +0100

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