From Jaro: >Nesledoval som thread velmi pozorne, ale ja som sa stretol s takym >problemom, ze ked som si dal poslat formular na mail cez podobny PHP >script a zaroven kopiu na ten isty mail, tak mi prisiel len jeden >email. Ked som zmenil adresu kde ma byt kopia zaslana, dosli dva >maily, pritom nic ine v skripte som nemenil. Nerozumiem tomu preco, >ale je to tak. Zkousel jsem to odesilat na dve ruzne, nezavisle adresy, ale vzdy prijde jen original. From Hynek: >ale zkus si z mail klienta poslat mail, kde To: a Cc: >bude stejna adresa. schvalne, kolikrat Ti prijde? >tipuji, ze jen jednou spravne From Martin: >Presne to same se mi taky stalo - myslel jsem ze skript nefunguje. Mozna >za to muze SMTP server, kterej si pri odesilani "balickuje" maily podle >prijemcu - chtelo by to podrobne znat cinnost SMTP serveru pokud je >prijemcem jen jedna adresa. Jestli bere jako rozdil To: a Cc:. Z mailu >Petra Novaka ovsem nevyplyva zda byly obe adresy stejne. jak jsem uvadel vyse, zkousel jsem oba pripady - tedy dve ruzne adresy i dve identicke. Vse se stejnym vysledkem. Terr ***************************************************************************** This document should only be read by those persons to whom it is addressed and is not intended to be relied upon by any persons without subsequent written confirmation of its contents. Accordingly, Rieber & Son disclaim all responsibility and accept no liability (including in negligence) for the consequences for any person acting, or refraining from acting, on such information prior to the receipt by those persons of subsequent written confirmation. If you have recieved this E-mail message in error, please notify us immediately by telephone. Please also destroy and delete the message from your computer. Any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and/or publication of this E-mail message is strictly prohibited. Rieber & Son ASA Bergen, Norway *****************************************************************************Received on Wed, 25 Feb 2004 11:21:43 +0100
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