Re: MSIE 5.0 neumi tag DIV?

From: h! y n e k . l i p a (
Date: 27. 06. 2003, 16:40 CEST

Petr Pokorny wrote:
>> ... a do zavorek se davaji jen ta pisma, ktera maji vice
>> nazvu (napr. 'Times New Roman')...
> Jen bych si dovolil opravit mensi preklep. Nejedna se o zavorky,
> ale o uvozovky. A nezalezi na tom, jestli dvojite, nebo jednoduche.
> Doufam, ze se nepletu... ;o)

no to jsi si neco dovolil teda :)))

samozrejme, ze se jednalo o uvozovky, nejak mi to uletelo a s tim
prikladem to pak vypada velmi zmatene :(

takze novy priklad:

    prvek { font-family : 'Times New Roman', serif; }
    prvek { font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', fantasy;}

a na tom, zda jsou jednoduche ci dvojite opravdu nezalezi. viz.
[ ], cituji:

4.3.10 Strings
Strings can either be written with double quotes or with single
quotes. Double quotes cannot occur inside double quotes, unless
escaped (as '\"' or as '\22'). Analogously for single quotes ("\'" or


"this is a 'string'"
"this is a \"string\""
'this is a "string"'
'this is a \'string\''

a take co nesmi byt v uvozovkach
[ ]:

4.1.2 Keywords
Keywords have the form of identifiers. Keywords must not be placed
between quotes ("..." or '...'). Thus,

is a keyword, but

is not. (It is a string.)

i kdyz ja u uvozovek v css preferuji jednoduche (asi hlavne kvuli
validatoru v HS5, jemu se dvojite v css nelibi, no a mne taky ne :)

- h! -

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