OT: Viry? Dakujem, neprosim!!!

From: Miso (stawrossmike@zoznam.sk)
Date: 06. 05. 2003, 19:39 CEST

Sorry za OT,
ale prave ma vytocil ktosi, kto zneuziva tuto konferu na rozposielanie
Ak ten niekto to robi neumyselne, tak nech si pls.vylieci comp...[i ked mi
to posiela priamo na moj konferacky mail...tak neviem???]  :-(
Ostatni ak mi chcete vynadat, ze to sem nepatri (ze vam to pripada ako
osobny spor, aj ked dotycneho nepoznam), kludne
mozete, to znesiem....ale potreboval som si "ulavit"...!!!
S pozdravom

> -----------------------
> Tento e-mail bol vygenerovany postovym serverom zoznam.sk a sluzi ako
> ze e-mail odoslany och@centrum.cz pre stawrossmike@zoznam.sk je infikovany
virusom Win32/Ganda.A@mm.
> Prosim kontaktujte spravcu Vasej siete pre dalsie infomacie.
> Pokial ste odosielatelom Vy:
> ----------------------------
> Kontrolovany E-mail bol podla hlaviciek odoslany z Vasej e-mailovej
> Toto moze znamenat, ze Vas pocitac je zavireny, alebo pocitac niekoho, kto
> ma Vasu adresu vo svojom adresari bol zavireny.
> Pokial ste prijemcom spravy:
> ----------------------------
> Kontaktujte odosielatela. Pravdepodobne zatial netusi, ze ma problem s
> -----------------------
> This e-mail is generated by the zoznam.sk mail server to warn you that the
> sent by och@centrum.cz to stawrossmike@zoznam.sk is infected with virus:
> Please contact your system administrator for further information.
> If you are the sender:
> -------------------
> The scanned e-mail has your address in the <From> header field. Either
> computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
> the address book has been infected.
> (Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your
> Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus
> If you are the receiver:
> ---------------------
> Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a
computer virus.
> Akcie prevedene s infikovanymi subormi:
> Actions taken for the infected files:
> -------------------------------------
> Subor (part0002:sw.scr) pripojeny k e-mailu (predmet spravy: GO USA !!!!),
ktory Vam poslal och@centrum.cz
> na adresu stawrossmike@zoznam.sk je infikovany virusom: Win32/Ganda.A@mm.
> The file (part0002:sw.scr) attached to mail (with subject:GO USA !!!!)
sent by och@centrum.cz to stawrossmike@zoznam.sk
> is infected with virus: Win32/Ganda.A@mm.
> Nemozem vyliecit tento subor.
> Cannot clean this file.
> E-mail bol zahodeny, pretoze obsahoval nebezpecny kod.
> The mail was silently discarded because it contained dangerous code.
> ------------------------
> Kopia hlaviciek e-mailu (copy of the e-mail header):
> Received: from [] (HELO iserver.spse.uzlabina.cz)
>   by be1.mail.zoznam.sk (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 4.0.6)
>   with ESMTP id 30863750 for stawrossmike@zoznam.sk; Tue, 06 May 2003
10:02:21 +0200
> Received: from chalupa (chalupa.spse.uzlabina.cz [] (may be
> by iserver.spse.uzlabina.cz (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id h4682J627511
> for <stawrossmike@zoznam.sk>; Tue, 6 May 2003 10:02:19 +0200
> Scan engine 8.11 for i386.
> Last update: Mon, 05 May 2003 16:45:18 +02
> Scanning for 77015 malwares (viruses, trojans and worms).

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.3 : 07. 05. 2003, 13:53 CEST