Re: Maximum informace o siti

From: snehulak (
Date: 27. 11. 2002, 07:18 CET

> Zdravim, shanim tip na program, ktery by dokazal zjistit maximum informaci
> vnitrni pocitacove siti W98/W2000 (TCP/IP, NetBEUI), tj. informace o
> pripojenych PC, pouzivane protokoly, sdilene adresar apod.. Pokud bude
> vubec bych se nezlobil, ale dobry komercni program ja take vitan.
> Diky Pavel

Pouzivam Lan Scan Profesional a jsem s nim nadmiru spokojeny umi toho
opravdu hodne.Tady je kratoucky anglicky popis :

LANScan Professional monitors network activity and
reports status in real time. Use LANScan to monitor
network bandwidth usage, locate problems, track
 Internet access, determine usage of WAN links and much
more. LANScan Professional also features long term
data logging via a relational database as well as
packet capture. Easy to use with no special hardware
or software required.


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