RE: makro pro excel

From: Likavcan, Alexander (
Date: 30. 10. 2002, 08:35 CET

Zdar a silu David, dna 30.10.2002 si napisal(a):

> Zkusim to napsat polopate

> Tak snad uz jsem to napsal lepe
nepomohlo to :-(
myslim, ze sa srabes lavou rukou na pravom uchu ;-)
ale na to co si sa pytal uuuplne na konci skus si:

-----------------cut ------------------------------------------------
Sub SwitchToWrkb()
pocetSoub = Application.Workbooks.Count
For i = 1 To pocetSoub
myVyber = myVyber & i & ". Nazev: " & _
Application.Workbooks(i).Name & vbLf
myResult = InputBox _
("Zadejte por. cislo souboru na ktery blabla....." & _
vbCrLf & myVyber)
If myResult <> "" Then _
End Sub
-----------------end cut----------------------------------------
s pozdravom

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only friends who have not yet met.

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