Re: mr linx

From: Michal Fabry, portal (
Date: 27. 02. 2002, 15:13 CET


no ja tiez ponukam reklamny priestor na svojej stranke (nie
- ale iba v ramci mojej stranky) a tam mal jeden banner z cca 6000
zhliadnuti 70 klikov. To jest 1,166 % a to je uz celkom slusne ;)

J> 0,56% nic moc, mozna by pomohlo lepsi umisteni banneru.
J> Viz treba:

J> <copy>Q. I've heard the expression 'above the fold', do you know what it is?

J> A. The term 'above the fold' refers to one of the prime real estate spots
J> for ads on any webpage. In newspaper terms, 'above the fold' refers to just
J> that...the bottom of the top half of a sheet of paper, before it's folded.
J> In web terms,'above the fold' refers to the bottom of the first screen of
J> your page, right before you'd need to scroll down to see more. Particularly
J> good for ad space is the right hand side of that 'above the fold' line. Not
J> only are many of your surfers going to look in that corner anyway to find
J> the scroll bar, but as we naturally read from left to right and top to
J> bottom, the eye is drawn to, and ultimately rests on, that bottom right hand
J> corner of the screen anyway.</copy>

J> IMHO cca 2% procenta a vic neni problem dosahnout. Dulezite je taky aby banner 
J> korespondoval s obsahem stranky

J> Jack  

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Martin Svarovsky []
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 6:31 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: mr linx
>> > Ked som zo zaciatku impresie nesetril a moj banner sa 
>> > zobrazoval inde, tak som mal necele 3% navstevnikov stranky 
>> > takych, co prisli cez bannery z inych sajtov. Ludia klikali priblizne 
>> > na kazdy moj 180-ty zobrazeny banner. Neviem, cakal som viac.
>> > 
>> Tak to ti vychazi proklik 0,56 - to neni zas tak spatne, rekl bych ze
>> je to bezny prumer.
>> Abys mel vic (jednotky procent), tak by musel banner byt opravdu velmi
>> lakavy.
>> Martin
>> -- 
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J> --
J> -- Konference magazinu Internet -------------- servis-internet --
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