nepotrebujes webserver, ale pak musis splnit nasledujici podminky(viz nize). Ty cesty zmenis v icecast.conf doslovne zneni bez titulku (pro tebe je asi nejdulezitejsi 2 odstavec): There is support in icecast for streaming files directory from the server to the client. This is usually handled much more nicely by a real http server, but if you don't want to go through the hassle of setting up apache or roxen or whatever, then this might be what you're looking for. All files must end in .mp3, and they must all be in the file tree rooted at a directory specified with the static_dir variable. This directory corresponds to the virtual directory http://server:port/file/. So a file named stream.mp3 in the static_dir directory can be accessed through a http request (in a browser or mp3 player or whatever) with the url http://server:port/file/stream.mp3.
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