Odstranene adresy ze zasilani FAQ

From: KAB (konference@kab.cz)
Date: 02. 11. 2001, 20:30 CET

     Pri rozesilani aktualizovanych FAQ se mi vratilo nekolik 
e-mailu, ty jsem prave odstranil z distribucniho seznamu. 
Po oprave anebo v pripade, ze mate jinou adresu, se muzete 
opet prihlasit. 

1) sma@inmail.sk
For <sma@inmail.sk>, the destination server said: <sma@inmail.sk>: 
Recipient address rejected: Access denied (from inmail.sk) 

2) p.dudek@atlas.cz
Delivery to the following recipients failed to petrdudek@sms.paegas.cz

3) cyro@atlas.cz
Vasi zpravu pro 'cyro@mujoskar.cz' nelze dorucit. Denni limit pro 
tuto zpravu byl prekrocen.

4) makovec@cmail.cz
550 5.1.1 +4206035415xx@sms.paegas.cz... User unknown

5) ltomenendal@cmail.cz
Quota of user "ltomenendal" was exceeded. His/her mailbox is full. 

6) dlehner@seznam.cz
User "dlehner" has no mailbox here!

7) lubco@nextra.sk
lubco@nextra.sk: Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

8) admin@svosapsoa.cz
For <admin@svosapsoa.cz>, the destination server said: Relaying 
is prohibited (from svosapsoa.cz)

9) carbo@inmail.sk
For <carbo@inmail.sk>, the destination server said: 
<carbo@inmail.sk>: Recipient address rejected: Access denied 
(from inmail.sk)

10) fabianla@kredit.sk
For <fabianla@kredit.sk>, the destination server said: Recipient 
not here (from kredit.sk)

S pozdravem, KAB

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