Re: scache

From: Martin Zeidler (
Date: 19. 03. 2001, 21:26 CET

> Ahoj ,
>      Da se nejak SCache donutit, aby reloadla stranku z netu misto z
>      cache? Obcas mi nechce stahnout novou verzi stranky, nekdy pomuze
>      reload, ale nekdy ne.
> --

No mne to nedela a to ji pouzivam uz pres rok a pul. SCache je ale pomerne
dobre konfigurovatelna, bohuzel k tem konfuguracnim souborum neni nikde
manual :o( Je to v nich ale napsane anglicky, takze to chce experimentovat -
ale tohle vidim spatne. Mne to obcas zacne vracet nesmyslnou zmet znaku, tak
v tom adresari Store najdu kde je ta stranka ulozena a celej ten adresar
smaznu - a bezi to opet v pohode. Pokud ti to zlobi jen na porad stejnejch
strankach, tak si uprav soubor scache.cnf, aby se ty stranky proste

#     Smart Cache allows control over the files to be cached in two ways:
#     First, you can specify a set of URLs which must never be cached,
#     in which case all other URLs are candidates for caching. This uses
#     the NoCaching directive to specify what URLs must never be cached.
#     In the second scheme, you can explicitly list all the URLs which
#     will be considered for caching; URLs not in that list will never
#     be cached. This uses the CacheOnly directive
#     Defaults: neither NoCaching nor CacheOnly are given
#      **** WARNING: YOU CAN NOT USE BOTH !!! ****
#     Syntax:   CacheOnly <URL pattern>
#               NoCaching   <URL pattern>
#     Examples:
# CacheOnly*
NoCaching   http://localhost/*

Nebo druha moznost, pokud to chces mit pro prohlizeni offline ale zlobi
cteni stranek z webu, zkus proklepnout tohle nastaveni v scache.cnf:

#refresh rate: Reload_age Min_age Lastmod_factor max_age. Ages are in
#reload_age:  if user wants reload but, object is younger than reload_age,
#copy is returned and reload request is ignored.
#min_age: all cacheable objects are considered fresh for XX minutes.
# but reload (if allowed) can be used for their refresh
# lastmod_factor:
#    AGE is how much the object has aged *since* it was retrieved:
#    LM_AGE is how old the object was *when* it was retrieved:
#    LM_FACTOR is the ratio of AGE to LM_AGE:
# Max_age: if object is older than XX minutes, cache will reload it.
default_refresh_pattern 0 60 0.20 10080

#Specific refresh patters for some URLs
#refresh_pattern* 0 60 0.30 10080

Podotykam ze jsem to nezkousel, ale muzes tam pro konkretni URL zadat dobu v
minutach, kdy se stranka cte z cache a kdy se stranka cte z webu. Konkretne
me tam zaujalo tohle:

#reload_age:  if user wants reload but, object is younger than reload_age,
#copy is returned and reload request is ignored.

cili pokud mas reload_age vetsi nez 0 (v minutach), tak Smart Cache ignoruje
povel reload a vraci porad stary ulozeny objekt. Ale default to je (to prvni

default_refresh_pattern 0 60 0.20 10080

To druhy cislo je min_age, takze Smart Cache ti po dobu 60 minut od ulozeni
objektu vraci ulozeny objekt (zhruba - jeste tam je nejaky vypocet co jsem
nezkoumal :o). Ale Reload by ti v kazdem pripade melo vratit nova data z
webu. Da se to nastavit i pro konkretni URL, takze bych treba zkusil:

refresh_pattern* 0 0 0.30 10080

a teoreticky by se to melo nacachovat (budes to mit offline) ale pri
jakemkoliv pristupu se to bude cist znovu z webu - ale jak rikam, nezkousel
jsem to, takze to treba vubec nebude fungovat :o))

No a ze by se melo cas od casu pustit killunref.bat pro udrzbu linku v
adresari Store je jasne, takze to ani nepisu ;)

Martin Zeidler

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