Re: PHP html >>> plain_text

From: Spock (
Date: 12. 08. 2000, 21:05 CEST

>v PHP mam v jedne promenne ulozen html text. Potrebuji ho pomoci 
>nejake sikovne funkce prevest na prosty text... t.j. vysekat 
>vsechno co je mezi <>. (<br><p> apod.)
>Poradi nekdo jednoduche reseni ?

string strip_tags(string str, string [allowable_tags] );
This function tries to strip all HTML and PHP tags from the given
string. It errors on the side of caution in case of incomplete or
bogus tags. It uses the same tag stripping state machine as the
fgetss() function. 

You can use the optional second parameter to specify tags which
should not be stripped.

bye, spock.

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