Re: Joke_Flipped

From: Spock (
Date: 08. 07. 2000, 14:25 CEST

>Pozna niekto z Vas virus Joke_Flipped
>Nemozem najst nejake info o nom. Neviete ako sa prejavuje ????
>Nachadzal sa v exe subore.

to neni virus ani trojan. je to prave jenom joke. :)

bye, spock.
 Joke.Flipped, Joke_Flipped
Detected as: Joke.Flipped or Joke_Flipped
Aliases: Flip VGA 
Likelihood: Common 
Characteristics: Joke 

This program is NOT a virus and will not perform malicious actions
on your computer. This program is a "joke program." Joke programs
are programs, which attempt to display something humorous or
pretend to perform a malicious action. When run, this program will
flip the images on your screen so everything will appear upside down. 
The Symantec AntiVirus Research Center (SARC) has decided not to
detect Joke Programs due to overwhelming customer requests. Such
programs are NOT malicious and detecting them only leads to
unnecessary alerting of the computer user. Detecting non-malicious
programs such as joke programs can cause users to believe they
have run or received a dangerous program when in fact they have not.
SARC recommends one simply delete such programs.

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