Re: Fonty na Inete

From: Nikola Beneš (
Date: 08. 06. 2000, 15:39 CEST

> A šlo by to tak , kdybych do adresáře kde mám *.css nakopíroval font který
> zrovny potřebuji a do css dal cesta
> k tomu fontu????

<!-- HTML Refernce Library, sekce Style Sheets Reference -->
Value: {font-family : <font-family>; url(<url>;)
Initial: not defined
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentage values: n/a 

The @font-face property specifies a font to embed into your HTML document. This feature allows you to use specific fonts that might not be available on your local system. The URL should point to an embedded OpenType file (.eot or .ote format). The file contains compressed, subsetted font data that is converted to a TrueType font and installed by T2embed.dll. 
<!-- konec -->

Otazkou ovsem zustava, co je to OpenType file a jak by se to dalo vytvorit...
Nikola Benes, <>, ICQ 46596421

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