Re: Miestecko v pamati

From: Spock (
Date: 10. 02. 2000, 19:32 CET

>spoku a teraz si v pasci. konecne mam dovod, aby si mi vysvetlil,
>co je to ten threads :))) tomu som ako neprogramator nikdy nerozumel,
>takze neviem, ci 6 threads je vela alebo malo.

prdlacku v pasti... ;-))))))
akorat nemam nervy na preklad takovych veci do cesko - slovenske
computerove kvetomluvy. :)) ale pokud bys nahodou nebyl anglofonni,
tak mi napis a mozna ze se prekonam... ;-))
imho nelze implicitne urcit kolik threads je malo a kolik je moc. zalezi
na konkretni hw i sw konfiguraci.

btw: jakozto zastance windows by te tenhle seriozni journal mohl
docela zajimat... takze jako odpoved jenom kratkej citatek z:

Windows professional
The essential support resource for Windows 95 & 98

Processor threads

... Before we consider how processor threads work, let's review
a few PC architecture basics. As you may know, a program is
composed of processes. Each process basically consists of an
executable segment of code; a memory address space where
the process' code is stored; system resources such as files and
windows; and at least one thread to execute the code. (A thread
is the actual executing component of a process.)

Most DOS and 16-bit Windows programs are limited to a single
thread, but 32-bit Windows programs can simultaneously
execute multiple threads. A 32-bit program may use a separate
thread for various tasks. Since Windows 95 can execute
multiple threads at the same time, 32-bit programs usually run
faster than 16-bit programs. ...

Bye, Spock.

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