Re: uprsneni: Virus (jen u mne, tak klid)

From: Spock (
Date: 22. 01. 2000, 13:11 CET

>Posilam vypis z virusy.log od AVG.

pozor !  ten back orifice tam mas schvalne jako remote access?
pokud ne, pryc s nim, nebo bude skoro kazdy kdo to trochu umi,
moci na tvem compu odkudkoli delat, co se mu zlibi...

nasleduje info o tvem viru. pokud vim, umi ho odstranit napr.
sophos antivirus <> (ke kteremu je dobre
si stahnou i vsechny aktualni .ide soubory). jen reinstalace
wordu sama nepomuze, protoze ti zustanou nakazene .doc.
sophos ty dokumenty desinfikuje (aspon to tvrdi :)). takze tady
nasleduje strucne povidani o viru.

Bye, Spock.

CAP.A (Also known as WM/Cap.A). Known since 1997.

This is a multi lingual macro virus which has no ‘destructive’
payload. CAP will remove the Macro and Customize from the
Tools menu, and also Macro from the File menu. The virus is
multi-lingual as it uses the names of the menu items as the
names for the macros. As the menu item names change with
each different version of Word, its macro can be created in any
language. By mid 1997 it has been found in English, German,
Dutch and Taiwanese versions of Word. Later it was reported
in many other language versions, mostly european.
The following message is in the programming code:

C.A.P.: UnVirus Social. Y ahora digital.
“jacky Rwrty” (
Vemezuela, Maracay, Dec1996.
P.D. Quehaces gochito? Nunca seras
Simon Bolivivar. Bolsa!

The Spanish used in this message is quite poor but appears to
refer to somebody connected with a computer company in
Venezuela. It also says that you can smoke drugs, but you will
never be as good as Simon Bolivivar.

Macro names: ToolsMacro, FileTemplates, CAP

CAP.AT (Also known as WM/Cap.AT)

This is the same as Cap.A except that there is no AutoOpen
macro in this version of the virus. Macro names: Filetemplates
Toolsmacro Filesaveas Fileclose Autoclose Filesave Fileopen
Autoexec Cap

CAP.BB (Also known as WM/Cap.BB) This variant only infects
Word 6 and 7 documents. It contains many more macros than
the original, i.e. Cap, AutoExec, AutoOpen, FileOpen, FileSave,
AutoClose, FileSaveAs, ToolsMacro, FileCloseOrCloseAll. The
macros FileCloseOrCloseAll, FileOpen, FileSaveAs, FileSave
and ToolsMacro are all corrupted and unreadable. The Cap
macro is also slightly corrupted. None of the corrupted macros
(except Cap) can be used by the virus.

CAP.HB (Also known as WM/Cap.HB) This is the same as
Cap.A except that some of the comments in the virus code have
been corrupted. Macro names: Filetemplates Toolsmacro
Filesaveas Fileclose Autoclose Filesave Fileopen Autoexec Cap

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