Re: chytra holcicka:)

From: Pavel Trubl (
Date: 17. 10. 2002, 06:20 CEST

Kowalski wrote:

> OK:) beru - urcite mas pravdu
> muj kamos je "windows like" a nevi, ktera mlati takze kdyz jsem pred nim 
> rekl slovo "linux" tak se mu to asi zdalo povedome...;-)

A aby to bylo uplne, podivejte se na tento souborovy manazer

Jeho autori o nem pisou:

fsv was partly inspired by fsn, the experimental 3D File System 
Navigator developed some time ago by Silicon Graphics. This program 
figured prominently in a scene from Steven Spielburg's hit film, 
Jurassic Park.

Doufam, ze moje odpoved je zcela vycerpavajici :)


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